About Us
PhysiOT is based in Hobart, Tasmania. We provide a full range of Physiotherapy, Occupational Therapy and Workplace Health and Safety services. Our individualised approach is specific to your personal or organisational requirement.
What we do
PhysiOT provides in clinic Physiotherapy services and workplace safety assessments/training, individual worker injury recovery plans, functional capacity assessment and ergonomic workplace assessment.
We have a strong interest in providing local community support and provides physiotherapy services to the Tasmanian Devils State AFL team.
DriverOT provides specialist Occupational Therapy Driver Assessment and vehicle ergonomic assessment.
About James O'Meara
James has a Bachelor of Physiotherapy and Bachelor of Occupational Therapy from James Cook University and is a Certified Occupational Therapy Driving Assessor from Swinburne University. He is a member of the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA).
James works as both a Physiotherapist and an Occupational Therapist (OT) and specialises in the area of Occupational Health and Safety.
“Like an athlete, physical strength, condition and fitness is needed to perform your work role. An injury or time off work can impact your work ability”
Get in touch and see how we can assist you.
— James O’Meara