Physiotherapy Services

What to expect from a Physiotherapy assessment?  

  • Discussion about your injury and medical history 

  • Discussion about your work, lifestyle, daily activities, and sport/training demands  

  • A physical assessment to determine movement patterns, restriction, and pain status 

  • The formulation of a provisional diagnosis  

  • Hands on treatment 

  • The development of rehabilitation/exercise program 

  • Return to activity and sport planning 

  • Clear communication with key stakeholders such as insurers, coach's, doctor and allied health.  


Sports Injury


Feeling sore or not quite right, not trusting in your body to be able to perform those usual daily activities. It might be time to get yourself checked out to assess your injury. At PhysiOT we are qualified to assess injuries to the muscles, tendons, ligaments, discs and nerves. 


Injured yourself in that big win on the weekend? Keen to play in next weeks’ granny? James and the team have a background working with the weekend warrior through to the elite. With experience with the North Queensland Cowboys U/20’s, the Devils AFL Tasmania Program and Football Tasmania you can look forward to getting back on the field. 

What we can do for you

  • Our goal is to provide you with the knowledge and understanding to progress to being able be able to self-manage your injury. 

  • We are an outcome focused clinic, and we pride ourselves on accurately accessing your injury. This leads to developing a diagnosis and treatment plan.   

  • Treatment primarily involves client education around your injury and determining your treatment goals. In addition, treatment may involve soft tissue work, joint mobilisation, stretching, dry needling, exercise rehabilitation, taping, manual handling training, activity modification, load management. 

  • We understand that sometimes symptomatic treatment is needed and which we are happy to provide. 

  • Our clinical skill is developed through our experience and commitment to regular professional development and training. James attends peer supervision and clinical meetings.    


Hand Injury


For most of us our hands are tools of our livelihood.  Injuries are associated with disability, low productivity, and poor mental health outcomes. With knowledge of the intricacies of the hand and treatment James is able to combine his physiotherapy and occupational therapy treatment knowledge to get them working again.   

Hand conditions we treat 

  • Carpel tunnel syndrome  

  • De Quervains  

  • Lateral Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)  

  • Medial Epicondylitis (golfers elbow)  

  • Trigger Finger  

  • Mallet finger  

  • Wrist pain and instability 


Workers’ Compensation Injury


Injured yourself at work? We know this can be challenging and understand that it is not just about employment. 

Get the best plan of action

  • We will facilitate a plan to get you back to work and life, communicating with your doctor, employer, and rehab provider. 


Ergonomic Assessment


Sore at the end of a day at work? Feel like your workstation could be improved? The team can help you with assessments of your workstation at work from home, the office or even the to the building site. 

Why this assessment is important

  • In Physiotherapy we must consider the workplace ergonomic factors to achieve better treatment outcomes. 

  • A person’s injury may be influenced by their posture and equipment. If this can be made more efficient then a better health outcome is more likely.   

  • Contact us for information about what is involved in a formal workplace ergonomic assessment.   


Osteoarthritis Management 


Osteoarthritis, the most common chronic musculoskeletal problem in our community. Next time you wonder what can I do about my sore, stiff and swollen joints? Contact James and the team and get them to have a look. Often the best option to improve your quality of life is non-surgical and simple.   

Why use PhysiOT

  • James has a special interest in Osteoarthritis management and is GLAD trained and qualified. This is the most up to date and standardised arthritis management program for hip and knee arthritis.




Need help recovering from that recent surgery? James and the team work with surgeons from across Hobart and Tasmania to get the best outcome for you and back to doing what you love, taking you right through the process from first walking post-surgery to achieving your goals 

We’ll get you where you need to be

  • Our team will encourage you to carry out a range of exercises to strengthen and mobilise any affected joints and muscles and this will also help to improve circulatory or respiratory problems that may have developed in hospital.

  • We will work with you to create short and long-term goals to help you to maximise your recovery potential and reduce any secondary problems to surgery.




A brace or a splint can often be a big part of your recovery. James with his combined physiotherapy and occupational therapy expertise is ideally suited to fit your next brace or splint whether it be a CAM boot or a hand splint. 

The right fit

  • With us, you can rest assured that you will get a customised and an effective post-operative CAM boot, brace or splint designed to support you during your recovery period, matching your Surgeon’s goals.